"Greenlinks has made my life a lot easier with everything that’s going on with coronavirus."

by Kenneth, Personal Trainer

Tell us a little about yourself.

My names Kenneth. I work as a personal trainer and run a fitness Instagram and YouTube account. I’m focused on helping people increase their well being thru fitness and nutrition.

What made you try Greenlinks.io?

I came across on of your ads on social media and thought the idea was interesting. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try and I’m always referring people to tons of fitness and nutrition related content, so I figured it could be beneficial to me.

What made you try Greenlinks.io?

I tinkered with my account for a bit trying different things and when coronavirus hit, I found the perfect combination. I started creating Zoom videos for my followers to stay in shape at home with custom work out plans. I fired up a Greenlinks url and shared access to the live videos for a price. It worked perfect. I had about 500 people viewing my live stream each day. Greenlinks has made my life a lot easier with everything that’s going on with coronavirus.

How much money have you made with Greenlinks.io?

Ive made close to 8k in 2 months using Greenlinks. Its just crazy to think I would have been doing this for free if I didn’t find Greenlinks.